Skövde kommun är i blåsväder igen. Nu har de placerat två barn i familjehem och de har inte fått tala sitt modersmål, tyska.
Ärendet är anmält till DO som kräver svar på varför senast d 3 maj.
Hittade även en blogg med ett brev :
Jag är åtta år och jag kan fortfarande minnas hur det var för mig för fyra år sedan, när jag precis hade börjat på dagis. Då brukade vi ha naturstudier i skogen.
Just den här gången minns jag extra bra. Jag blev stucken av en geting när vi var där. Det var i början av hösten. Sticket gjorde ont och jag började gråta. Sedan kunde jag inte sluta gråta. Efter en stund sa mina fröknar till mig: ”Sluta gråta!”
När jag tänker tillbaka på den här dagen i skogen så gör det mer ont i mig att tänka på hur det kändes när fröknarna sa till mig att sluta gråta, än hur jag kan föreställa mig att getingsticket kändes.
Mitt råd till er vuxna är att låta barnen gråta färdigt. Och den som bestämmer när man gråtit färdigt är barnet själv!Det får mig att tänka på hur en del mäniskor runt oss säger att det gått så långt tid att det vore bättre att låta barnen stanna där de är, att det vore bättre för dem. Men de vill fortfarande hem. De har inte slutat hoppas eller längta. De har inte slutat gråta efter oss. Precis som i brevet sårar det mer med okunskapen oförståelsen runt de här barnen. För dem eller oss är det ingen skillnad på om de skulle varit våra på riktigt. De kommer aldrig sluta längta, önska eller vilja.
Fick artikeln ifrån i torsdags i engelsk verion. Lite häftigt.
Prosecutor reviewing the Mark foster child case
Officials and politicians inquired
about decision to force removal of children
People all over Sweden became upset over the case from Mark Municipality, where without warning, two small children were removed from their foster families. The children had lived in the family almost their entire lives, and considered the foster parents as their mother and father. When social services intervened to return the children to their biological mother, the children as well as their foster parents were shocked.
Now the Public Prosecutor has opened a preliminary investigation of the officials as well as the politician Ann Hjertén (Social Democrat) who made the disastrous decision to remove the children.
”I believe that the decision to relocate the children without a thorough and professional investigation led to substantial risk for the health and development of the child,” Håkan Johansson said to the regional daily Borås Tidning.
Dispatch International has previously reported about the Mark case, which became known to the public through the television series Uppdrag Granskning (“Operation Investigation”), which in October 2010 featured an hour-long broadcast about the misuse of power by the authorities, a story that was followed up later. But in spite of this, the children have not been permitted to return to the foster parents Eva and Anders – although it has been decided that they should. After some months, social services certainly understood that the biological mother was incapable of caring for her children (which was the reason they had been removed from her in the first place), but they were then placed in a different foster home.
The foster mother Eva has, from day one, been working hard to bring the children home, and at the same time to form an opinion on the rights of foster children. Recently she wrote Maria Larsson, the Minister for Children and the Elderly, addressing the issue of the unlimited power wielded by social services: ”There are two vocations granting more power than any other. The police have the right to detain persons, and social services have the right to take parents from their children, and children from their parents. So, a quite general question – how can you permit that there is not even a mandatory requirement of attendance in education?”
Eva and her husband have been fighting for close to four years to get the children back home. How have they found the energy?
“We have no choice. The children say that they miss us and want to live with us. I have promised to fight for them as long as they want that. If there is any justice in this world, the children will be permitted to move home. This is their desire,” says Eva.
She is disappointed that the Social Democrats have not distanced themselves from Ann Hjertén.
“Rather than fixing what they messed up with, they say that they need to see the results from the preliminary investigation – to see if any mistakes were made. So, they presume that nobody has made any mistake.”
It is Eva’s hope that the Mark case will set a precedent.
“I want that the authorities to realize that children’s voices are not being heard in the court. I want them to understand that the kind of abuse of authority that hit us takes place every week.
“Biological parents may lose their children due to lack of connection, but children are not permitted to stay with foster families where they do have a connection! Foster families are charged with ’problems of cooperation’ without a requirement that the authorities indicate the nature of these problems. Why not swap the administrator rather than swapping the family?”
After suspicions of misconduct, Ann Hjertén has resigned from her political positions.
People all over Sweden became upset over the case from Mark Municipality, where without warning, two small children were removed from their foster families. The children had lived in the family almost their entire lives, and considered the foster parents as their mother and father. When social services intervened to return the children to their biological mother, the children as well as their foster parents were shocked.
Now the Public Prosecutor has opened a preliminary investigation of the officials as well as the politician Ann Hjertén (Social Democrat) who made the disastrous decision to remove the children.
”I believe that the decision to relocate the children without a thorough and professional investigation led to substantial risk for the health and development of the child,” Håkan Johansson said to the regional daily Borås Tidning.
Dispatch International has previously reported about the Mark case, which became known to the public through the television series Uppdrag Granskning (“Operation Investigation”), which in October 2010 featured an hour-long broadcast about the misuse of power by the authorities, a story that was followed up later. But in spite of this, the children have not been permitted to return to the foster parents Eva and Anders – although it has been decided that they should. After some months, social services certainly understood that the biological mother was incapable of caring for her children (which was the reason they had been removed from her in the first place), but they were then placed in a different foster home.
The foster mother Eva has, from day one, been working hard to bring the children home, and at the same time to form an opinion on the rights of foster children. Recently she wrote Maria Larsson, the Minister for Children and the Elderly, addressing the issue of the unlimited power wielded by social services: ”There are two vocations granting more power than any other. The police have the right to detain persons, and social services have the right to take parents from their children, and children from their parents. So, a quite general question – how can you permit that there is not even a mandatory requirement of attendance in education?”
Eva and her husband have been fighting for close to four years to get the children back home. How have they found the energy?
“We have no choice. The children say that they miss us and want to live with us. I have promised to fight for them as long as they want that. If there is any justice in this world, the children will be permitted to move home. This is their desire,” says Eva.
She is disappointed that the Social Democrats have not distanced themselves from Ann Hjertén.
“Rather than fixing what they messed up with, they say that they need to see the results from the preliminary investigation – to see if any mistakes were made. So, they presume that nobody has made any mistake.”
It is Eva’s hope that the Mark case will set a precedent.
“I want that the authorities to realize that children’s voices are not being heard in the court. I want them to understand that the kind of abuse of authority that hit us takes place every week.
“Biological parents may lose their children due to lack of connection, but children are not permitted to stay with foster families where they do have a connection! Foster families are charged with ’problems of cooperation’ without a requirement that the authorities indicate the nature of these problems. Why not swap the administrator rather than swapping the family?”
After suspicions of misconduct, Ann Hjertén has resigned from her political positions.
- Facts/The Mark case
In October 2009, the two foster
children of Eva and Anders were removed by the Swedish authorities. They were 4
and 5 respectively at that time, and had lived almost all their lives with the
foster family. The intention of social services was to return the children to
their biological mother. After a while they realized that this was not working
out, but refused to acknowledge their mistake or let the children return to Eva
and Anders. The children are now at a third family’s home after the mistaken
Anknytningen i kombination med barnets vilja är så tungt vägande faktorer...så jag kan inte se att det är annat än grov brottslighet som myndighetetstjänstemän och förtroendevalda ägnar sig åt när myndighet går in och kapar band
SvaraRaderamellan barn och de som barn vill ha som förälder/ föräldrar. /Hälsning från en mamma i Muteborg